PhD THESIS: “Between. Strategie di Intercultural Design per un Ateneo internazionale”
September 2022, University for Foreigners of Perugia
Final grade: Excellent with honors and Dignity of the press
Advisor: Prof. Donatella Padua – External examiners: Proff. Giovanni Boccia Artieri, Piergiorgio Degli Esposti, Fabrizio Fornari, Andrea Lombardinilo
The doctoral research investigates the use of cultural factors in website design for developing an intercultural communicative model to connect universities and international students, called Between. A multidisciplinary approach that encompasses the field of the internationalization of the universities, interculturality, diversity, communication and cultural models is applied to the digital communication of the international universities.
Key Words: cultural diversity, higher education institutions, internationalization, intercultural communication strategies, corporate communication, intercultural design, Hofstede, Hall, user centered design, universities, international students
File available at the following link:
Between. Strategie di Intercultural Design per un Ateneo internazionale
Degree in Communication Sciences, University of Siena 2004
Tesi di laurea_Daniela Cundrò “Il giornalismo di oggi: le molteplici forme di una professione” Degree in Communication Sciences – University of Siena, 15 aprile 2004
- Perugia, 21 February 2022
Communication and organizational strategies among European Universities: the case of the Italian and the Swedish Models
Speaker: Daniela Cundrò – QUADIC Project – Programma Erasmus+ KA2 “Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices – Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education”
- Perugia, 9th December 2021
Speaker: Daniela Cundrò – QUADIC Project – Programma Erasmus+ KA2 “Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices – Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education”
- Perugia, 1th July 2021
- Naples, 22-27 June 2016
Organizer and Chair: Daniela Cundrò
Siena, 30 giugno 2021 “Nice to Meet You”, l’UE incontra il mondo all’Università di Siena” (p. 73-76) Dieci anni di attività per la cittadinanza europea 2010-2020
Stockholm, 18 November 2020, Swedish Council For Higher Education
The value of diversity in a multicultural team – the results of a survey
Stockholm, 5 May 2020
Il modello svedese durante il coronavirus: forme locali di una pandemia globale- Contributo per la rivista “Mondo nuovo”, diretta da Michel Korinman
Articolo accessibile al seguente link: Trovarsi in Svezia durante il coronavirus
Stockholm, 22 April 2020 “Trovarsi in Svezia durante il coronavirus: le forme locali di una pandemia globale”
Festival dell’italiano e delle lingue d’Italia – Siena 2019
Siena, April 2019
“Il cammino della lingua italiana ha fatto tappa a Siena dal 4 al 7 aprile. Ce ne parla Daniela Cundrò, dottoranda presso l’Università per Stranieri di Perugia.” Articolo
Italian Language in the Media e gli “Stati generali della lingua italiana”
Firenze, October 2016
“La lingua italiana deve rinascere partendo dal Made in Italy”, articolo per la rivista online italo-francese
Dall’oralità alla scrittura dell’e-taliano: quanto è vero il nostro italiano?
Siena, January 2017
Articolo per la rivista italo-francese
Siena, April 2009
After 3 years of interviews and research, in 2009 Daniela Cundrò wrote a book for the publishing house Cantagalli (Siena, Italy). The book is called “Cari nipoti (Dear grandchildren)” and it is the biography of the wife of the Italian Embassador Antonio Venturini.
Florence, 03 June 2020
Rientro in Italia dalla Svezia – Intervista per #NTi271 (Italian language) Florence, 03 June 2020
Servizio TG NTi canale 271 Toscana Digitale Terrestre(Italian language) Siena, 02 June 2020
(Italian language)
Stockholm, 12 May 2020
UHR:s antagningskampanj ur ett italienskt perspektiv
(Swedish language)
Stockholm, 7 May 2020
Italian praise for campaign to boost applications to Swedish universitiesInterview by the Swedish Council For Higher Education
Stockholm, 22 April 2020
“Storytelling e media svedesi”, intervista della radio universitaria “TocToc Sardegna”
Stockholm, 03 April 2020
“Un virus senza frontiere”, interview for Toscana TV (go to minute 46’22”)
Stockholm, 04 April 2020
“Diari dal mondo”, interview for “CasiQuotidiani”
Stockholm, 07 April 2020
“Il coronavirus visto dalla Svezia”, interview for Perugia Today
Bruxelles, 12 December 2013
“Telling the Story” #ttsEU 2013
New York, 9 luglio 2016
“Per forza e per amore: emozioni di studenti americani a Siena”, for La Voce di New York
Siena, 29 April 2016
“Lezioni d’Europa”, studenti del Don Bosco a scuola di giornalismo, for
Siena, 26 January 2015
“Un nuovo corso base di lingua italiana per stranieri alla COOP”, for Siena Free
“Un nuovo corso base di lingua italiana per stranieri alla COOP”, for Siena News
Siena, 5 December 2013
“Aperte le iscrizioni al nuovo corso di lingua italiana per stranieri della Coop”, for Siena News
Siena, 2 November 2013
“Al via i corsi di italiano per stranieri che vivono in Toscana”, for Il Cittadino
Waiting for Bright 2018 – University of Siena and European research young scientists training in the oncology field – An EDIC Siena and UNISI production video
– UNICAMILLUS, February 2022
L’occupabilità dei laureati stranieri
The employability of foreign graduates
(pp. 43-47)
CAMPUS ITALY – Column for the American online newspaper
“La Voce di New York”
– February 2019
Anitya Marlowe, from the US to Italy: How I Learned the Italian Language in Sicily
Anitya Marlowe, a 40-year-old living in Kentucky, fell in love with Sicily after a trip in 2017 and decided to attend the Syracuse Academy to learn Italian
– Febbraio 2019
Anitya Marlowe, dagli USA all’Italia: “Ecco come ho imparato l’italiano in Sicilia”
La 40enne del Kentucky si è innamorata della Sicilia dopo un viaggio nel 2017, e ha deciso di frequentare la Syracuse Academy per imparare l’italiano
– November 2018
Andrew Gatti and His Experience Studying Photography in Florence
26-year-old, from Denver, he attended the “College of Art & Design Florence” and now lives and works in New York as a photographer
– Novembre 2018
Andrew Gatti, il fotografo che lavora a New York e ha studiato a Firenze
26 anni, di Denver, ha frequentato lo Studio Arts College International di Firenze e oggi vive e lavora a New York
– October 2018
From the US to Siena, Anthony and the Discovery of Italian Wine Business
Born in Santa Barbara, she lives near Bologna where she works as an English teacher and is studying Italian. She loves Italy and has a passion for Italian food
– Ottobre 2018 Dagli USA a Siena per studio: Anthony e la scoperta del wine business made in ItalyIntervista – September 2018
Sarah, Teaching English in Italy, with a Passion for… Pasta Fresca
Born in Santa Barbara, she lives near Bologna where she works as an English teacher and is studying Italian. She loves Italy and has a passion for Italian food
– Settembre 2018
Sarah, in Italia per insegnare inglese, con una passione per… la pasta fresca
Originaria di Santa Barbara, vive vicino a Bologna dove insegna l’inglese e studia l’italiano. Del Belpaese, tra le altre cose, l’ha conquistata il cibo
– July 2018
From Milan to Sicily, Stuart’s Return to the Past
The student, a Connecticut lawyer, spent part of her husband’s sabbatical year in Italy, where she resumed the study of the Italian language she had begun at University
– Luglio 2018
Da Milano alla Sicilia, il ritorno al passato di Stuart alla scoperta dell’Italia
La donna, avvocato del Connecticut, ha trascorso in Italia l’anno sabbatico del marito, riprendendo lo studio della lingua italiana che cominciò all’Università
– Giugno 2018
“Io, americana, in Italia imparo la lingua, l’arte e la cultura del Belpaese”
Erin Kitchens, 21enne nata a Beaverdam, in Virginia, sta frequentando il semestre di study abroad presso la Siena Italian Studies
– June 2018
An American Girl in Italy: Erin and Her Semester of Study Abroad in Siena
Born in Beaverdam, Virginia, Erin Kitchens is 21 years old. She is studying Italian language and culture in Siena
– Aprile 2018
Rachel, la dominicana che ha imparato l’italiano per parlare con sua suocera
Nata in Repubblica Dominicana ma con passaporto americano, ha acquisito la cittadinanza italiana quando si è sposata con il marito italo-americano
– April 2018
Rachel, a Dominican Woman Who Studied Italian to Speak With Her Mother-In-Law
Born in Dominican Republic, American, Rachel acquired the Italian citizen thanks to her husband, who is of Italian descent
– Marzo 2018
Meredith, da New York a Cagliari per studiare la lingua italiana dei suoi avi
La giovane 28enne Meredith Adamo, nata ad Upstate New York, dice: “Sin da piccola, ho avvertito l’esigenza di toccare con mano le mie radici italiane”
– March 2018
Meredith, from New York to Cagliari to Study the Italian language of Her Ancestors
Meredith, 28, was born in Upstate New York: “From an early age I felt the need to connect with my Italian roots”
– Gennaio 2018
Janice, esperta di design da San Diego, ispirata dalla “Dolce Vita” italiana
La storia di Janice Jaralcie, nata a Hong Kong ma residente in California: “Studio l’italiano per la musicalità e il romanticismo delle sue parole”
– January 2018
Janice: an Expert in Fashion, in Love With the Italian “Dolce Vita”
The Story of Janice Jaralcie, born in Hong Kong, living in California: “I study Italian for the musicality and the romance of its words”
– Novembre 2017
Alexandra, dagli USA con un sogno: insegnare arte medievale in Italia
La storia di Alexandra Wendt, nata a Lawrence in Kansas e appassionata d’arte, che sta frequentando a Siena la “School for Liberal Arts”
– November 2017
Alexandra, from the US to Italy With a Dream: Teaching History of Medieval Art
The story of Alexandra, born in Lawrence Kansas and passionate about medieval art, who studies Italian in Siena
– Ottobre 2017
Un’americana a Venezia: Chloe dalla California per amore dell’italiano
Inizia “Campus Italy”, la rubrica dedicata agli stranieri che imparano in Italia lingua e cultura italiana. La prima storia è di una giovane californiana
– October 27
An American Girl in Venice: Chloe, from California, for the Love of Italian
“Campus Italy” is a new column dedicated to foreigners in Italy, who are learning the Italian culture and language. The first story is from a young Californian
Editor in chief of the newsletter EDIC Siena – since 2013
Esercitazioni di italiano professionale e giornalistico, 2019
2019, ottobre-dicembre, Università per Stranieri di Perugia
A lezione di italiano, University for Foreigners Perugia, newsletter January 2020
Project C.A.R.T.A. (Competenze per addetto alla ristorazione, finanziato dalla Regione Toscana (La comunicazione in ambito professionale) – course for students drop-out, 2019
2019 aprile-maggio, Siena
Prometeo projects, funded by the European Union, from 2015 to 2018
- 2018 CGIL/INCA, Sinalunga (SI) – Prometeo project, funded by European Union
Italian language teacher for immigrants non employed living in Italy
- 2018 CGIL/UIL, Siena – Prometeo project, funded by European Union
Italian language teacher for immigrants non employed living in Italy
- 2017 CGIL/UIL, Siena – Prometeo project, funded by European Union
Italian language teacher for immigrants non employed living in Italy
- 2015 CGIL/UIL, Siena – Prometeo project, funded by European Union
Italian language teacher for immigrants non employed living in Italy
Lezioni d’Europa. A scuola di giornalismo, 2016
Not just international students: also a class of Italian students from an high school of Colle di Val D’Elsa (Siena) realized a newsletter, press releases and interviews. The course was one week long.
Purdue University: teacher for Study abroad in Siena, 2106
Is it possible to learn Italian while visiting the museum of a “Contrada” in Siena? Yes, it is. 15 American students from the Brian Lamb School Of Communication of Purdue University learnt 45 Italian words regarding Palio of Siena, interviewing the local community of the “Contrada Priora della Civetta”, in 2 hours.They didn’t know Italian at all. Article on “La Voce di New York” (in Italian Language), June 2016
COOP Siena: teacher of Italian language 2015
With 15 students from USA, Spain, Africa we created an editorial staff for realizing a newsletter at the end of the course.
Dante Alighieri, Siena, 2014
With 32 American students from the Pontifical North American College, we analized articles form a religious Italian magazine, called “Famiglia Cristiana”. They had a A2 level of Italian.
Scripps College, Claremont Colleges (California, USA) – Academic year 2011 -2012
During the conversation classes, while I was teaching as an Italian Language Assistant, with my students of Italian we created 4 issues of the newsletter “A lezione di italiano”. The students wrote the articles and made the layout of the newsletters.